photo: Inès Prévot / phola.fr
We are a non-profit entity that seeks the integration, training and technical assistance of midwifery, acting in accordance with Colombian laws for the benefit of maternal and child health; seeks to make the midwife and midwife visible as a manager of social processes in health.
Promote the comprehensive development of women and men who practice midwifery from health promotion and disease prevention. and contribute to actions that improve maternal and child health.
The Interethnic Network of midwives and midwives of the Department of Chocó REDIPARCHOCÓ, by 2024 will be an organization recognized at the local, national and international level in the training, re-signification and assistance of midwifery. As manager of maternal and child care and delivery assistant where the woman and her family require it
The role of the midwife in her community

Chocó situation

Data of the department of Chocó
Area: 46.530 Km2 = 1.0% of the total of the extension of the country
Political division: 30 municipalities
Borders: Republic of Panama, Caribbean Sea, Pacific Ocean.
Rainfall: from 4 to 12,000 mm per year (one of the rainiest areas in the world)
Temperature: average de 27ºC
Humidity: relative to 90%
Other: one of the regions more biodiverse_regions in the world (7798 species)
Population: 490.327 2013 composed by Afro-Colombians, indigenous and mestizos
Infrastructures:In the municipal capitals, the aqueduct covers 48% of the dwellings and the sewage system 10%
The environment
I work essentially with plants.
Specific and very rich biomes.
Natural risks such as the floods in the municipalities that are in the hydraulic round of the rivers.
high rainfall + hyperhumid climate + temperature increase -> onset of diseases (malaria, dengue,_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-leid5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cde-136bad5cdemaniasis,etc Eishmaniasis IRA ycf58bad5 .)

Aerial System
river system
Main communication system.
La mayor parte de los ríos son_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_navigable by medium and small boats._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b_bb3b5-1536bad5-1536bad5-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d
main axes: los Río Atrato, San Juan y_cc781905-5cde-3baudó-bbdbad5cf58-16
River network of 1060 km actos for navigation
Coastal maritime navigation network = 415 km de costa
road system
Baja coverage = 526.5 km
Quibdó-Medellín and Quibdó-Pereira are the main roads that unite Quibdó with the interior of the country.
From the perspective of health services, it is important to try to identify isolated communities. In some cases, people must travel up to 12 hours by river to reach the headwaters.
Some communities are only accessible by foot, walking, although these tend to be small, highly dispersed populations.

Ethnic distribution of midwives according to municipalities
separate communities. Indigenous generally far from populated centers.
Cooperative work between Afro-descendants and indigenous people.
More midwives within the com. indigenous because childbirth is done exclusively within the family